I've fallen off the wagon of my reading goals (mentioned here.) I did pretty good for awhile, however, I've been pretty busy the last few months and reading has slipped to the bottom of the list. I did have a chance to finish up Boundaries while we drove to my parents house (the e-book version on my ipad) and I highly recommend it. I have read a few other books by the same authors, but not the original Boundaries. Its something I will probably re-read a few times. There is a ton of information and hard to digest all at once.
What are you reading? I am really interested in suggestions for my next read. It doesn't have to be something deep...I like to alternate light reading with the hard stuff. Tell me your favorites that you re-read, something inspiring, or what makes you laugh. I'd love to know!
I'm STILL reading The Shack. I heard it was good, but for some reason I'm so bored with it and just want it over with. That would be why it has taken me a few months to read and I'm still only 75% of the way through. I read the Mockingjay series this summer and liked it. Not as much as Twilight series, but still pretty good. I have The Long Run by Matt Long that I can't wait to start whenever I make it through The Shack.
Did you ever read One Thousand Gifts, yet? It's pretty much up your alley...WAY too flowery and poetic for my tastes, but right enough even I liked it.
Jennifer-- if you are bored with it, why finish? I'd skip it and move on to something else. pick it up again when the mood strikes you.
Carly--I haven't read 1000 Gifts. I read a synopsis of it on Amazon, and decided to skip. Do you think it is really worth it?
Point taken Molly. My mothers ingraining (sp) in my head of "you must finish something you start" still resides in me.
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