
Handsome's Lair

I realized I haven't shown you Handsome's room.  I supposed it is high time you saw it.

View from the door.

Another one, a bit closer.  You know I just picked up all the toys and Handsome is already making a mess 30 seconds later.  He says "mess" while doing it, too.

I would love another piece of art on the wall with the crib.  Not sure what though.  I really like maps.  I am thinking about getting more and making the focal wall all maps.  Then maybe the crib wall can stay blank and not compete with the map wall.

Are you blinded by the light?  Sorry 'bout that, I'm still learning how to use my camera.

His room is also the playroom.  Since he is still contained in a crib while sleeping, the toys are safe in his room and not distracting to Princess.  I'm gonna try to make him sleep in his crib until he is five.  do you think it will work?  I'm gonna cross my fingers.  Play table and chairs were made by my grandfather for me and my brothers.  I had kids first, so I won the table.  Yay for me.  Toy bins are from Land of Nod, and the soft chair.  Growth chart from Home Goods,  name picture from Name Your Design, play rug from Ikea.

  I really don't have a theme going on.  Maybe a map theme is going to evolve.  I got mine at Michael's for 15 bucks.  Tis cheaper then the framed versions going online for 100 beans or mores.  What do you think?  Loving or hating the maps?  Anyone else trip on legos and trains four times a day?


Carly said...

I love how your house is coming together! And yes, I do trip over legos and trains...all day long.

Peggy said...

I think a wall of letters would be kewl or numbers. You could put dots on the numbers so they can learn to count and add. Dang do I sound like a teacher. So maybe just more maps. Like KSand SC near his bed. I will look for more ideas.