
Coffee Bar

Have I mentioned how much I love coffee?  I blame my father on this.  Although it took me 28 years and two children before I made it a daily habit.  Anyway, I found a lovely "pin" on Pinterest a while back about a coffee bar.  I have seen other bloggers with "coffee stations" in their kitchens.  I realize this really isn't anything new.  My own grandmother has a coffee station in her kitchen and had for as long as I can remember.  Nevertheless, I had to see it on Pinterest before I thought of creating one in my house.  What is with that website?

It is actually in my dining room.  I have our old dresser in there because it won't fit in our bedroom.  We call it a buffet.  Maybe "clutter station" is a better term.  I desperately wanted to decorate it and create a beautiful tablescape.  It wasn't happening.  Nothing I placed there made me happy.  So one afternoon while I was supposed to be cleaning the kitchen, I decided to make my coffee bar.  I think it will be functional for when we have guests over for the weekend.  It opens up counter space in our little kitchen and I even relocated the coffee mugs, filters, and beans to the drawer underneath.  I am at peace with my dining room dresser slash buffet slash coffee bar for the moment.

What do you think?  Any of you have a coffee addiction that is carrying over into your decor inspiration?

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