
Goodbye 2011

This last year has been eventful.  We made several life-altering decisions for our family.  Its been quite the ride and honestly, I'm glad its over.  I don't know if I can take another action-packed year like this one just yet.  Here is a recap:

January:  Hubby and I celebrated six years of marriage

February: Started planning our move to the beach

March:  Princess turned three

April:  Got an ipad

May:  Hubby and I had our first overnight away from the kiddos...EVER.  We flew to SC and found a place to live

June:  Started our lives over at the beach

July:  Hubby turned 29

August:  Survived Hurricane Irene (my first!)

September:  Molly turned 30

October:  Princess thinks Halloween is a birthday party.  She tells the other costumed kids "happy birthday"

November:  Handsome turned two

December:  First Christmas at the beach, took a walk on the sand on Christmas Day

Like I said, we've had a lot going on this past year.  I'm incredibly thankful for the many blessings and opportunities my family has had.  I'm excited to see what 2012 will bring!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

You made it through the year and are stronger for it as a mom and wife. The kids have grown up so much. You all get to spend more time with family. Best of all you have a Starbucks close and the beach. :)