

Baby boy had a birthday last weekend.  Actually, he turned three, so I suppose I can't really call him my baby boy anymore.  As long as he wears disposable pants I'm calling him a baby, deal?

I'm a realistic mom, now, since I didn't really plan anything or have a theme.  I had to work the weekend so my hubby had to pick up the slack.  My in-laws came in for the weekend to help celebrate, so between my MIL and my hubby, I really did't have to do much.  I had work Saturday morning, so the plan was to have the party that evening.  We ordered pizza, and picked up cupcakes from a local bakery.  Of course, the highlight was opening gifts.

Handsome was a joy this year.  His sister is on the pre-school circuit for birthday parties and as a result, H has been able to tag along.  He knows the drill.  Both kiddos were terribly excited. I'm not sure they really knew who was having the birthday, nevertheless, each one had a blast.

why does Mommy put bows on these?

Dinosaurs!  Roar!

Thanks to an uncle for the calendar!

Jurassic Park?


Princess has thoughtful uncles who made sure she didn't feel left out.

The whole weekend was a whorl-wind, but we enjoyed the celebration.  The kiddos are already asking about the next party!

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