
Wheely Bugs

Have you heard of or seen Wheely Bugs?  Hubby and I saw them in a toy store a year or two ago.  We thought they would be an awesome present once the kiddos got a bit bigger.  Well, we forgot about them.  Lately, Handsome has been sitting on all his trucks, trying to ride on them.  Princess has tried and failed as well.  The Wheely Bugs came rushing back to memory.  I looked them up and found a good deal on Amazon.com. 

We ordered a large one and small one.

Small Cow Bug

Large Bee Bug.

Handsome took to his Cow Bug quickly.

Princess was a bit grumpy after her nap, but warmed up to her Bee Bug rather quickly.  As long as she could keep her blanket.  They've been a big hit!  No more riding dump trucks!


Rachael Alsbury @ From Faye said...

I love these! We sell them at the boutique where I work! I haven't seen the bumble bee ones yet...they are cute!

Unknown said...

my kiddos love them! and its a toy that I don't mind leaving out in my living room