
Happy Birthday Baby Brother #2!

Its my baby brother's birthday!  He is 26 and I guess you would consider him a "grown-up" for quite some time.  I  hardly consider myself a "grown-up"  so he really doesn't seem to the fit the bill for adulthood.  However, I found this picture that seals the deal.  Its from the day after I had my baby girl.  I love this picture of a proud uncle and his princess niece!

I guess this is one of the moments I realized I was an adult and my brother was too.  That was over three years ago and I was 26 at the time.  So while my baby brother doesn't have human children of his own, he does have a canine baby and is a professional student work in his PhD.   I guess that is adult enough, right?

I'm proud of you, baby brother.  I hope you have a wonderful birthday.  I wish we could celebrate together!



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