
Happy Third of July

Since I will be working late tomorrow night, I am celebrating our country's freedom tonight.  Celebrating is a rather loose term.  Really, I am vegging out in front of the computer, bummed that Pinterest's site is currently down, enjoying a mixed drink, and relishing in the fact my kiddos, hubby, and house guests are MIA.  Hubby wanted to go out for seafood tonight for an early birthday dinner.  So did everyone else in the city, plus their uncle, uncle's dog, and the hitchhiker on the side of the road.  After nearly being in a car sandwich trying to turn into a parking lot, I decided to head for home and live to see another day.  Apparently hubby and crew had better luck ( I was supposed to meet them after work)  Instead, I went to Food Lion, bought a chef salad, and made a drink of the slim pickin's I have around here.  So here is my crudely altered Third of July cocktail.

1/2 glass premixed red Sangia from a box.  Purchased from Target.
1/2 can Dr Pepper.
Don't bother mixing, just sip daintily.

It is loosely based off of a calimucho recipe I learned from a pharmacy foreign exchange student.  I don't remember his name of where he is from, but I remember this drink.  Horrible of me, I know.  Anyway, a calimucho is basically 1/2 cheap red wine, and 1/2 Coke.  Yes, it sounds gross, but trust me, it is an amazing fizzy drink.  Especially for me, a girl who loves sweet girly drinks.  Just don't drink them too fast.

How are you celebrating your holiday?

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Stayed home, watched movies after I cooked dinner. It rained here but stopped after 9 pm. Neighbors shot off fireworkds so couldn't sleep and now it is 10:30. Really didn't do much.