
Can't Wait

My stomach is in knots.  I can't wait.  I've been waiting 10 years for this.  And I can't go.
I have to work.  Friday AND the whole weekend.  Anyone want to come babysit on Monday?  Mom?  Baby Brother #1 or #2?  I'm not sure I can wait three weeks for the next planned family visit.  Trust me, hubby and I are scheming as to how to see it sooner.  Phone calls have been made.  We are approaching desperate measures here.  Of anyone else sees it before me, I don't want to hear about it.  I guess I'll have to settle for re-watching Part One on Netflix.


tiffany said...

I'm in your boat - if I'm lucky we'll see it Sunday, but if we don't make it then, we have the next 5 weekends booked solid. Jill and Alyse are going to the midnight showing tonight; I'd join them but then my 5:30 am wakeup on Friday would be even less enjoyable than it already is. Hope you get to see it soon!

A.D. McGregor said...

I have never read now viewed any of the Harry Potter books/films. And I don't plan on it any time soon.