
What time is it?

For those of you on Pinterest, you know what I'm going through.  For those of you not, you need to join.  Email me for an invite or more information.  I'm not that active of a pinner, but I like to look at the decor/fashion/DIY porn as it is.  I might have a problem.  Anyway, there is one such pin that I can't get out of my mind.  So like any bad song stuck in your head, I am going to share it with you.

Isn't he beautiful?  I am slightly obsessed.  I want a giant version of this to go above our sofa.  I don't think I can make one of these ( the website sells kits) and to ship it from Australia would be pricey.  So I'm stuck in a dream until I cough up the money or con someone else into making me one.  Life can be tough sometimes.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

I'm almost afraid to ask how much this clock is. I love it too. You'll have to let me know where you found it so I can look at while I dream too...