Obviously, these are the stairs going up. The door at the top is the utility closet.

This is the first bedroom.

Nice large closet. I'm thinking toy storage. Probably Handsome's room.

View into the hallway.

Upstairs bathroom.

The little door is a linen closet. Both full bathrooms have one!


Front bedroom

Smaller closet, but it's deep. Probably Princess' room.

Back downstairs.

Out these doors is this:

A nice deck area for the kiddos to play and hubby to BBQ on. The small door is an outgside storage area, but we aren't sure if we will have access to it yet.
We are so excited for this house. I think it will be the perfect transitional house for on the coast. The beach is two blocks away, we are within walking distance to a grocery store, our bank, restaraunts, mini golf, etc. The hospital and health care is close by. Do you remember my firstwish list ? This house pretty much nails it, plus gravy. We are very muched blessed!
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I'm so jealous of your linen closets and other closets and pantry and storage in general. Lucky!
im jealous i can't use them right now! i've never had a pantry or linen closet!
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