Entering the front door, the living room is on the left.

I love the vaulted ceiling. The walls are a light sandy color.

This is looking back to the front door, you can see the master.

This is the dining area, next to the living room. There is a wall that separates them. Don't you love the color? It looks like the ocean.

The curtains stay. They are hiding sliding glass doors that open out to a deck.

Lovely kitchen next to the dining. The closed door is a half bath. The open door is a laundry room.

Love LOVE love the pantry!

View from the kitchen to dining room.

Ok, so we are back at the front again. I didn't think you really wanted to see the laundry room.

Master bedroom

Closet and door to master bath.

Good size closet and shelves

Door to entryway.

Double sinks! The bathroom also has linen closet.

Master bath. Sorry about the lighting. The walls are the same blue/green color.
So this concludes the first floor tour. Isn't is beautiful? What is your favorite room? I can't wait to move in!
Oh my goodness, that's really similar to the set-up in our place in NY...except the stairs in the entryway went to the basement instead of the second floor. Believe me, it's a lot less feng shui to walk in your front door and be faced with plunging strairs, haha. Our master bedroom/bathroom was set up just like that. I was glad to move off post, but I actually kind of miss that house, it was roomy and there was SO much storage. And yours is painted a lot better than ours was (it was white) and it looks like your cabinets and hardware and appliances are WAY nicer.
Really love all the spaces so can't pick a favorite room.
I think with the colors you can have a beachy master bedroom. The dining room will be great with your black table and chairs.
IKEA will help you with all the extras and storage solutions.
I can't wait to be there in person !
I'm not really sure what the rules are on feng shui, but I'm sure my baby gates violate it.
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