
I've been Punched

Here is the yummy punch recipe I made for the Princess's Birthday.  I think I found it at allrecipes.com.  They have so many different ones.  My hubby requested one that doesn't have pineapple in it, and I wanted one was bright pink or red.  I'm not too picky, right?  Ok, so I couldn't find exactly the ingredients listed:
  • raspberry-kiwi frozen concentrate
  • raspberry creme soda
  • raspberry sherbet
Here is what I used instead:
  • apple-raspberry-kiwi frozen juice concentrate (1 can)
  • red creme soda (2 liter) 
  • raspberry sherbet (1 quart)
  • frozen strawberries ( few scoops)
Place the semi-frozen juice in a large punch bowel.  Slowly pour in the creme soda.  Add scoops of sherbet and strawberries.  Enjoy!

I thought the punch was delicious.  So did my kids and in-laws.  My husband didn't drink any because he thought the strawberries looked like salsa?!? I think I'm gonna keep the recipe around for future birthdays/party occasions.  We don't drink punch very often, but I think it dresses up a party.

Have any of you found raspberry creme soda?  Or know what flavor red creme soda is?  Let me know if you try this and what substitutes you have to make, if any.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Sounds good! I think Mal or Mary could spike it !