For starters, I started dropping hints to my hubby. If there is one person that makes me seem like a risk-taker, its him. In his mind, only green/crunchy/poor/mentally unbalanced, or a combination of the above would even want to attempt to make laundry soap. I casually mentioned the idea for about a week. I mentioned things like cheap ingredients and 5 minute prep time and low cost per load, and avoided saying i read on a blog and pinterest. Finally, I decided it was pre-conditioned enough that I could just buy the stuff and make it. He had enough warning.
I will add that I first saw the idea on Pinterest. I never pinned it. Then, I heard a co-worker rave about how she loves her homemade laundry detergent. Shortly after, a friend of mine blogged about it. And tweeted it. I did a Google search, and a Pinterest search. The concept became less weird for me. You know what settled it? I discovered I could pick my own bar of soap, which meant I could pick my own scent. That's what nailed the lid in the coffin. I'm serious, fragrance is that important to me.
I used the recipe from my friend Rachael. I made a special trip to Walmart to pick up the ingredients. I normally avoid Walmart like the plague, but I didn't have much of a choice since Target didn't carry the Washing Soda. Once I got home, it took me 5 minutes to make. Literally.
- 1 cup of Borax (3-4 dollars)
- 1 cup of Washing Soda (3-4 dollars)
- 1 cup of OxyClean (6 to 8 dollars)
- 1 bar of soap, grated (1 dollar, and yes, I used my cheese grater)
Thus far, I have very little complaints. We do have a top-loading HE washer, but the soap is low sudsing and we haven't had an issue.
Anyway, this concludes my story of how I joined the cool kids and made my own laundry detergent. Anyone else out there on the cool side of the laundry club? Or are you of the school of thought only crazy people grate soap with a cheese grater? Tell me about it.
I have unfortunately hippie tendencies, but after the homemade deodorant debacle, I won't try homemade laundry detergent. I think I have a baking soda sensitivity or something.
DIY deodorant? I haven't heard about that one. You are much more brave then I to attempt that. An underarm is a sensitive area and absorbs things well, I bet that didn't turn out so hot.
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