
Weekend To Do List

My Momma is coming this weekend!  Last time we were together it was to pack up the old place.  She hasn't been to the new house since we moved in.  It will just be the two of us and I have great plans. My hubby left with the kiddos to visit his family and play in a show for the weekend, so I have the house to myself. I am planning on some serious girl-time and knock-out-project time.  I have high hopes for this kid-free weekend.  Perhaps I am a bit too ambitious, but we shall see.  For those moms out there, do you exaggerate how much you can get done with your kiddos and hubby gone?
  • Clean out townhouse (kitchen/bathrooms/freshen-up)
  • Clean MY house ( without my momma, I'll own up to this one)
  • Plant flower pots for my front porch
  • Weed/mulch the frontyard
  • Hang hooks and plants on back porch
  • Paint a chalkboard wall in my kitchen
  • Paint a side table
  • Pick out paint samples for my bedroom
  • Visit the Habitat ReStore
  • Visit a furniture store/second hand store
  • Walk on the beach
  • Drink Starbucks on the beach
  • EAT lots of yummy food and drink margaritas
  • Re-arrange my furniture/decor pieces
  • Bounce ideas for future projects
  • Go to the bank
  • Make a meal plan
  • Grocery shop
  • Put away laundry
  • Take pictures so I have proof I did some of this.
 The two of us, Christmas 2011

Wow, that's quite the list.  Its a good thing I'm not showing this to my Mom or Hubby.  I'll let them discover this on Monday after its all done.  Ha.

UPDATE:  We accomplished a lot!  The weather didn't cooperate for beach time, but we ate well and wore ourselves out!


Carly said...

I don't exaggerate how much I can accomplish when my hubs and kids are gone...my to-do list on those rare occasions looks like this:

1. Watch HGTV
2. Eat Häagen-Dazs
3. Repeat

Unknown said...

If only I had HGTV, then my weekend would have looked like your list. I didn't even turn the TV on all weekend!

Peggy said...

You need to find a better picture of me !