This winter has been amazing. Or rather, the lack of winter. I realize most of us have had a fairly mild winter, and I am very thankful. These pictures are of a day in early February. It was 60-65 degrees, sunny, and beautiful. We took the kiddos to a nearby park we recently discovered (its fenced in!) and enjoyed the gorgeous afternoon.
Princess discovered her love of swinging. Not a month earlier she HATED it. She saw another little boy swinging (on the big-kid swing, not the little kid one) and HAD to do it. I'm thinking of asking that little boy over for dinner so he can model eating vegetables and meat. Do you think it will work?
The pure joy.
She even started jumping out of the swing. I'm not ready for a daredevil.
Meanwhile, Handsome occupied himself with climbing.
And sliding.
And looking adorable. Also, he enjoys throwing sand. My kiddos do not set a good example. To them, sand is for throwing and rolling around in. Other children think that must be fun too, because they always come running to join once they see my kiddos doing it. Then those kids disciplined. And hubby and I feel guilty for letting are kids instigate trouble. Have you ever tried to stop a kid from throwing sand? You're likely to end up with a mouthful.
Speaking of sand - I saw this on zulilly and thought of you:
Didn't know if you'd heard of these - seems as though it's just baby powder in a fancy bag, but I didn't know talc powder was good for de-sanding... I'll add it to a bag for the beach if we ever make a trip to the ocean.
I haven't heard of those, but I have heard cornstarch and baby powder help removed sand. I haven't tried it yet, but might have to put it in practice this year.
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