
Sunday Night

My babies are adapting very well.  Princess has been asking to go to the beach all weekend.  It hasn't helped that we have had quite a bit of rain and storms the last week and she has been cooped up.  We finally made it Sunday evening.  Princess had been wearing her swimming "soup" all day at her request.

I brought our "old" camera since it is much smaller and easier concealed in towels on the beach.  It really doesn't matter which one I bring to take pictures, I get the same view of my kiddos.

First picture on the beach in the sand.

Second view racing towards the waves.

Third view heading deeper into the ocean.  Then Momma has to run in after the kiddos and convince them to return closer to the shore.  I took 125 pictures and the majority are of my kiddos behinds.  Here are the ONLY ones of my kids faces.  At least I caught some cute expressions.

 Isn't he precious?  And very sandy.  Sand in his ears, nose, mouth, eyelashes, etc.  I'll probably find more tomorrow and he's already had a bath.

Finally, a smile!

He has quite the impish grin.

My Princess loves the water and digging up sea shells.

I don't remember what was so exciting, but I love seeing her happy.

Here she is mid scream.

She probably is about ready to scream here.  She does a lot of screaming.

Love the smile, even if she is throwing sand and shells.

Here is my little sandman.  My kiddos had a blast playing in all the holes and crushing sand castles.  Of course they had to sit in every hole and wiggle around.  It certainly makes for a messy clean-up time.  Our evening at the beach was a relaxing way to end the weekend.

While I am glad I got some pictures of the kids, I remember how much I dislike the older camera.  The pictures are grainier and it takes several seconds to snap a photo.  I'm not telling how many empty photos I took or pictures with simply a hand or back of the head.  As much as I don't like having a heavy camera around my neck, I'm gonna have to get used to it if I want better quality pictures of my kiddos playing around.

So tell me what you accomplished this weekend?  How do you relax on Sunday night?


Peggy said...

The kids are so cute ! I need a few of these pictures please. I think Walgreens can print them. I am glad you had fun with them at the Beach !

Betsy said...

At least you're taking pics! I desperately need to take more pics of my kids/family. I have been very bad about that this past year.