
Favorite Things

Cellphone conversation while on the way home from work.
"Hi, Honey. What are our plans tonight?"

"What is your favorite activity?"

"Ummm...I dunno.  Is this a trick question?"

"Shopping is your favorite activity, right?  You always want to shop and spend money."

"Well, yes, I do find that enjoyable.  But you don't like that.  Really, what are we going to do?"

"Actually, we need to go shopping.  Some crayons got washed with the clothes."

Damn.  Why I haven't I thought of this before?

Anything unexpected happen to you lately?  I'm incredibly thankful for my 30% off coupon to the Gap, and our abundance of outlets close by.


Peggy said...

Yes, Your Dad decided to build the wall to block off the kitchen. So studs were put in, sheet rock is up and now he is mudding the wall.

I am excited but really don't have a kitchen plan yet. No cabinets, which configuration so if you get a 30% off coupon to Lowe's or Home Depot I NEED IT !

Carly said...

Haha...That's funny. That's why the crayons don't come out very often at my house.

tiffany said...

Similar to your experience:

hubby: "you might need to do some shopping..."
me: "why?"
hubby: "waffle ate the rug again."

And, like you, I'm thankful for the multitude of 15% Bed Bath and Beyond coupons that arrive in my mailbox! Have fun shopping! :)

Unknown said...

crayons had been living in the a box high on a shelf in a closet. they have since returned. i've since decided my children don't need to learn to color to be successful in life.