
Guess (Translate) That Word

Let's play a game. It's called "Guess that Word".    I'll tell you a word and and give you a hint, then you translate it from Baby Talk to English.  Doesn't that sound like fun?  Whoever guesses the most correct gets a prize!  Ok, here we go.

1.  Poh-pop.   I'm red and tomatoey.  Answer: Ketchup,  per Handsome

2.  Cherry.    I'm a diet supplement.  Answer:  Vitamin, per Princess

3.  Woh-wade.  Yellow, tart, and delicious.  Answer: Lemonade, per Princess 

4.  Awe-fuwl.   Sticky, breakfast carbs.  Answer: Waffles, per Princess

5.  Allaces.  British claymation show.  Answer:  Wallace and Gromit, per Princess

5.  Coocakes.  Something sweet?? Answer: Cupcakes, per Princess, refers to ANYTHING sweet.

Good Luck!  A follow up post with the answers and winners in one week!  (give or take a few days, you know how life goes with kiddos)

Winner is Andrew! You win a free night at the beach!  You just have to get here!  Runner up is Carly!  You also win a free night at the beach!  Email for more details!!!


Carly said...

1. I'm stumped. Red and tomatoey...a tomato?

2. Vitamin?

3. Lemonade?

4. Syrup?

5. Wallace and Gromit?

6. Cupcakes?

A.D. McGregor said...

1. Apple...?
2. Vitamin
3. Lemonade
4. Waffles
5. Wallaces (as in Wallace & Gromit)
6. Cupcakes

Carly said...

Waffles! Duh. Syrup-y waffles. Can I change my answer?

Peggy said...

I think Andrew wins ! Must be something about him taking Latin he can transcribe baby talk.