
Sales are my poison

I finally caved. I've been trying to hold on and wait to buy things for our new place. I've made all kinds of excuses, I don't want to move it, I don't know where we will be living, it will take the joy out of shopping once I'm there, etc. But evil West Elm sent me another tantalizing email. I even had hubby take a look, and he approved! So we purchased a media console! It was on sale for about $300 off and we were planning on purchasing one once we moved. The TV currently resides on a rickety old coffee table, so this will definitely be an upgrade. The best part? I had it shipped to my momma. It should be there in about a week.


Carly said...

Wow, we've been looking for something that would fit our 37in tv for months...everything is too big, too small, too expensive, or whatever. This is great...I might buy one, if they still have it when Cam gets paid next week. Would that be weird?

Jennifer said...

Love it!! That's a good deal too!

Peggy said...

I may keep it ! :)

Unknown said...

Carly, i don't think it would be weird at all!