Previously, I mentioned my iPad arrived. Here are the pictures to prove it. Don't drool on your computer.
That's the black cover protect-er thingy. It also works to prop it up on a desk, but it use it mainly on my lap. I'm still trying to figure it all out. For instance, I can't upload pictures to my blog from my iPad. There are apps available, but I think it is retarded to have an app simply for uploading pictures to blogger. Typing is going to take a bit getting used to. FYI, you can't rest your fingers on the keys. For one, there are no "keys" and two, you add extra letters unintentionally. I guess I need to spend all my waking hours glued to my iPad. haha. Nevertheless, I am enjoying it. I've put a few more apps on it, but I haven't had a chance to mess around too much. You know, kids and laundry and stuff. Maybe my next day off in 4 days. Or maybe I'll just forgo sleep. One of these days I'll get my priorities straight, until then I'm addicted. Thanks, Apple.
Glad you got the iPad up and running. It will take time to get use to it. I like mine but posting pictures is something I can't figure out
I'm so JEALOUS!!!! I want one! I'm addicted to my iPhone, so I'm sure I would be the iPad too. Good luck w/ uploading pics.
I love mine and would definitely recommend it. Still can't figure out the picture uploading thing. Blogger says you can email post w/ pictures. I tried that but somehow the format got screwed up. And I can't fix that on the iPad, so I still have to go back to the laptop. So tired of fighting with it.
Grandma McCarten sort of has one, she doesn't know how to use it, but tried to have me teach her during xmas. Aunt Libby is obsessed with hers.
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